online paint calculator


Measure twice order once. Use our online paint calculator to help you estimate how much paint you will need to order.

Measure Twice, Order Once

How Much Paint Do I Need?

Determining how much paint you need for a project can be tricky. No one wants to over order and surely you want to avoid not ordering enough. Our paint calculator below can help you estimate the correct amount of paint you will need to order. Please note, we recommend painting two coats of paint.

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Paint Calculator FAQs

To determine how much paint you need, use our paint calculator. Input the dimensions of your walls, including height and width, and subtract areas like doors or windows. This will give you a precise painting estimate.

Our paint amount calculator helps you estimate the total square footage of your walls. Divide this number by 350 (average coverage per gallon) to find out how much paint you'll need for one coat.

Yes! Our calculator can be used for both interior and exterior projects. Just measure your walls and input the dimensions, and you'll get an accurate paint estimator.

For a full house paint calculator estimate, measure each wall's length and height and add the total square footage. Be sure to account for multiple rooms, doors, and windows for the most accurate result.

We recommend applying at least two coats for the best color and coverage. Use the paint calculator square feet estimate to determine how much paint you'll need for multiple coats.